Official Netball Glossary
B | ||
Bad Catch/Hands (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): The player receiving the pass has made an error in catching the ball. The pass, in this instance is deemed by the caller to be accurate enough for the receiver to successfully catch it which they did not. | Bad Pass (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): The player throwing the ball has caused the error to occur. The ball thrown has not hit its intended destination/target and possession changes. In this instance the caller deems the player who passed the ball to be the reason for the turnover and not the intended receiver. After a bad pass, a throw-in or a pickup by the opposition will generally occur. | |
Block: Gain (Gain): A player who blocks an attempt at goal that leads to the blocking team getting the ball via a subsequent pickup from a teammate. | Break (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): This is when a player from the team in possession crosses and touches the centre third before the umpire’s whistle has been blown allowing players to enter this area. The ball changes possession therefore a general play turnover occurs. | |
Break: Not in Possession: This is when a player from the team not in possession crosses and touches the centre third before the umpire’s whistle has been blown allowing players to enter this area. | ||
C | ||
Caution: A player is advised that the behaviour specified must change. A player can be given multiple cautions. | Centre Pass: This is the team/player that is throwing the centre pass. This is captured every time a centre pass is supposed to occur regardless if a penalty is called during the centre pass process. | |
Centre Pass Receive: The player who receives the ball from the centre pass. | Centre Pass to Goal Percentage: The number of goals scored by a team from a centre pass divided by the total number of centre passes by that team presented as a percentage. | |
D | ||
Defensive Rebound Opportunity: The number of defensive rebounds divided by the number of missed goals for the opposition team presented as a percentage. | Deflection: When an opposition player touches the ball and changes the course or motion or speed of the ball but does not initially gain control of the ball. Deflections are only captured if the course of the ball visually changes and causes the receiver’s motion to change or it goes out of court. | |
Deflection: Gain: A deflection that results in a team gaining possession via a subsequent ‘Pickup’ by their team thus results in a gain being recorded. | Deflection: Miss Goal: A deflection occurs by the defensive team after a missed goal. A clean rebound does not occur. | |
Deflection: Miss Goal Gain (Gain): A defensive player not in the shooting circle picks up a loose ball up after a deflection by their teammate after a missed goal. A clean rebound does not occur but possession changes. | Deflection: No Gain: A deflection that does not result in a gain for their team. | |
Deflection: Possession Gain Percentage: The number of ‘Deflections resulting in a Gain’ divided by ‘Total Deflections’ presented as a percentage. | Deflection: Turnover (General Play Turnover): The player who had the ball directly before an opposition deflection occurred that lead to an opposition pickup thus a possession change. | |
F | ||
Feed into Circle: This is the player who passes the ball from either outside or inside the goal circle to a Goal Attack or Goal Shooter in the goal circle (goal scoring position). The shooters must be entirely within the goal circle for a feed to be recorded. What the Goal Attack or Goal Shooter does with the ball is irrelevant when capturing a feed. If the Goal Attack or Goal Shooter is infringed whilst catching the pass, a feed is still recorded. Also, if the Goal Attack or Goal Shooter drops the pass and turns the ball over, a feed is deemed to be successful and recorded. The act of the receiver is deemed to be what caused the ball to be turned over, not the feed. | Feed with an attempt: After a feed, a shooter has an attempt at goal. The result of the attempt is not relevant as this stat is awarded to the player doing the feed. | |
Free Pass: The pass straight after an infringement where a player does not need to stand out such as ‘Break’, ‘Held’ and ‘Short Pass’ has been captured. | ||
G | ||
Gain: This is when an opposition player gets the ball through a great individual effort. The player who originally had possession before the gain was deemed to be not at fault. Gains are the sum of ‘Block: Gain’, ‘Intercept’, ‘Pickup: Rebound’, ‘Deflection’ then throw in by opposition, ‘Deflection’ then ‘Pick up by Opposition’, ‘Toss Up Won’, ‘Defensive Rebound’, ‘Deflection: Missed Goal Gain’. | Gain to Goal Percentage: The number of goals scored by a team from a gain divided by the total number of gains by that team presented as a percentage. | |
General Play Turnover: Possession changes teams within general play such as ‘Bad Catch/Hands’, ‘Bad Pass’, ‘Break’, ‘Held’, ‘Offside’, ‘Over a Third’, ‘Intercept Pass Thrown’, ‘Replay’, ‘Short Pass’, ‘Step’, ‘Turnovers via a deflection’, ‘Penalty while in possession’ and ‘Turnover Other’. It does not include turnovers that occur as a result of a Missed Goal. | Goal: This is when a Goal Attack or Goal Shooter scores a goal. We record the position in the goal circle where the goal is scored. We also record whether the goal was scored from the Baseline which is up to 0.5 metres from the base line of the court. A Baseline goal is only recorded in the Long Far, Far, Long Close or Close zone. It is not recorded in the Mid zone. Whether the Goal was an Advantage Goal is also recorded. | |
Goal: 2pt (Super Shot): Suncorp Super Netball only
Goal Assist: This is the player that passes the ball to the Goal Attack or Goal Shooter prior to a goal being scored. If a penalty occurs between the feed and the goal, a Goal Assist is still recorded. | |
Goal Attempt Blocked (attacking player): This is when a Goal Attack or Goal Shooter has an attempt at goal, but the ball is blocked by the defender after the ball has left the goalers hands and is on the way up to the ring. |
Goal Attempts: The total number of shots taken (Goal + Miss) by the Goal Attack or Goal Shooter. |
Goal Blocked by Defender (defensive player): This is the defender that blocked a shot at goal by the opposition Goal Attack or Goal Shooter. A block occurs when the ball is on the way up to the ring and the unsuccessful attempt at goal is recorded first. | Goal Miss: This is when a Goal Attack or Goal Shooter misses a goal. We record the position in the goal circle where the goal is missed. We also record whether the goal was attempted from the Baseline which is up to 0.5 metres from the base line of the court. A Baseline attempt is only recorded in the Long Far, Far, Long Close or Close zone. It is not recorded in the Mid zone. | |
Goal Converted from Centre Pass: A goal scored when possession remains with the same team (does not change) from the time the centre pass is taken to the time the goal is scored. | Goal Converted from Gain: A goal scored when possession remains with the same team (does not change) from the time a gain occurs to the time the goal is scored. | |
Goal Converted from Turnover: A goal scored when possession remains with the same team (does not change) from the time a turnover occurs to the time the goal is scored. | ||
H | ||
Held (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): When a player in possession of the ball does not release (pass or shoot) it within three seconds of receiving it. This is deemed by the umpire’s decision and whistle. | ||
I | ||
Infringement Other (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): These are errors (infringements) resulting in the opposition gaining possession from situations that do not happen often at this level and are not already defined in the Champion Data system such as ‘Not wholly in centre circle’, ‘Incorrect throw-in’, ‘Reversed Penalties’ and ‘Delaying play’. | Infringement Other: Not in Possession: These are errors (infringements) that do not happen often at this level and are not already defined in the Champion Data system such as ‘Not wholly in centre circle’, ‘Incorrect throw-in’, ‘Reversed Penalties’ and ‘Delaying play’. | |
Intercept (Gain): When a player from the team without possession of the ball creates the opportunity and takes possession via a catch or a deliberate deflection and a pickup by themselves from an opposition pass. | Intercept Pass Thrown (General Play Turnover): The player who passed the ball that led to an intercept being taken by the opposition. | |
M | ||
Minutes Played: The total number of minutes a player has played the game for. | Missed Goal Turnover: Possession of the ball changes teams as a direct result of a Missed Goal. | |
Missed Goal: Out of Court (Missed Goal Turnover/Unforced Turnover): The ball goes out of court after a missed goal without a player touching it resulting in a throw in by the opposition team. | Missed Shot Conversion: The number of goals scored after an offensive rebound divided by the number of missed goals for that team presented as a percentage. | |
N | ||
Net Points (Nissan Net Points): A rankings system where players accrue points based on their event interactions within a match. | ||
O | ||
Offensive Rebound Opportunity: The number of offensive rebounds divided by the number of missed goals for that team presented as a percentage. | Offside (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): When a player from the team in possession goes into an area they are not allowed. This is deemed by the umpire’s decision and whistle. We do not record advantage offside. Possession changes because of this offside. | |
Offside: Not in Possession: When a player from the defensive team goes into an area they are not allowed. This is deemed by the umpire’s decision and whistle. We do not record advantage offside. | Ordered Off: The umpire has sent a player off the court and will take no further part in the game. | |
Over a Third (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): When a player in possession passes the ball over a complete third without the ball being touched or caught by another player, including passes from the centre third that go over the goal line. This is deemed by the umpire’s decision and whistle. | ||
P | ||
Penalties: This is the sum of ‘Contact’ calls and ‘Obstruction’ calls by the umpires. No advantage calls are recorded. It includes both Offensive and Defensive Penalties. | Penalty: Contact (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): When a player from the team in possession contacts the opposition (a player makes physical contact and disrupts play) which results in a possession change. Advantage calls are not captured. | |
Penalty: Contact: Not in Possession: When a player from the team not in possession contacts the opposition (a player makes physical contact and disrupts play). Advantage calls are not captured. | Penalty: Obstruction (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): When a player from the team not in possession obstructs play by standing within 0.9m/3 feet of the opposing player which results in a possession change. Advantage calls are not captured. | |
Penalty: Obstruction: Not in Possession: When a player from the team not in possession obstructs play by standing within 0.9m/3 feet of the opposing player. Advantage calls are not captured. | Penalty Advanced: When an umpire advances the original penalty call due to disciplinary reasons i.e. back chat. | |
Penalty Pass: The pass straight after penalty infringement (Contact or Obstruction) when a defensive player is standing out of play. | ||
Penalty Shot: Goal: A goal scored after a penalty with the defensive player standing out of play. | Penalty Shot: Miss: An attempt at goal misses after a penalty with the defensive player standing out of play. | |
Pick-Up: Loose Ball: When a player from either team secures possession of a loose ball (on the ground). It generally occurs after a ‘Deflection’, a ‘Bad Pass’ or a ‘Bad Catch/Hands’. | Pick-Up: Rebound (Gain): When a player from the defensive team secures possession of a loose ball (on the ground) outside the shooting circle after a missed goal without a GK or GD taking possession beforehand. | |
Possession Changes (Total Turnovers): These are the sum ‘General Play Turnover’ plus ‘Missed Goal Turnover’. Possession Changes is also the sum of ‘Unforced Turnovers’ plus ‘Opposition Gains’. | ||
Q | ||
Quarters Played: The number of quarters a player has taken to the court regardless of the length of time spent on the court for that quarter. | ||
R | ||
Rebound: A player re-gathers the ball after an unsuccessful attempt at goal. The sum of ‘Attacking’ and ‘Defensive’ rebounds for a team. | Rebound: Defensive: When a Goal Defence or Goal Keeper regathers the ball after an unsuccessful attempt at goal by the opposition. A change of possession has occurred. | |
Rebound: Offensive: When a Goal Attack or Goal Shooter regathers the ball after an unsuccessful attempt at goal by a teammate. | Replay (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): A player cannot throw, toss, drop or bounce the ball then pick it up themselves. This is deemed by the umpire’s decision and whistle. | |
S | ||
Second Phase Receive: The player who receives the second pass from the centre pass. | Shooter Attempts from Feeds: The number of attempts at goal by an individual shooter after a feed has occurred. The result of the attempt is not relevant. | |
Short Pass (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): When a ball is passed or thrown to a teammate without there being room for a third player to move between the hands of the thrower and those of the receiver. This is deemed by the umpire’s decision and whistle. | Step (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): A player in possession of the ball may not drag or slide the landing foot, hop on either foot, or jump from both feet and land unless the ball has been released. This is deemed by the umpire’s decision and whistle. | |
Stepped Out of Court (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): The player in possession of the ball steps out of court therefore turning the ball over with a ‘Throw-in’ to the opposition. | Substitutions: Whenever a player changes position whether it from the subs bench to the court, the court to the subs bench or to a different position on court. | |
Suspension: A player who is suspended must leave the court and takes no further part in play for 2 minutes. | ||
T | ||
Throw-in: After the ball has been deemed out of court by the umpire, a player must pass the ball from outside of the court to re-start play. | Throw-in Receive: The player who receives the ball from the Throw-in. | |
Time in Possession: The total time each team has possession of the ball. Can be displayed as minutes or a percentage. | Time Out (Clock Pause): The reason time is paused during a quarter. Reasons are ‘Injury-Home’, ‘Injury-Away’, ‘Time Out-Home’, ‘Time Out-Away’ or ‘Umpire’. | |
Toss-up Won: Gain (Gain): When a player from the team that did not have the ball before the toss up secures possession of the ball through a toss-up (two opposing players facing each other, and the umpire holds the ball in front of them). | Toss-up Won: In Possession: When a player from the team that had the ball before the toss up secures possession of the ball through a toss-up (two opposing players facing each other, and the umpire holds the ball in front of them). | |
Touched Out of Court (General Play Turnover/Unforced Turnover): The ball comes off a player from the team in possession, goes out of court but the player does not play at the ball. The opposing team has the subsequent throw-in thus resulting in a possession change. | Touched Out of Court: Not in Possession: The ball comes off a player from the team not in possession, goes out of court but the player does not play at the ball. The opposing team has the subsequent throw-in. | |
Turnover to Goal Percentage: The number of goals conceded from an unforced turnover divided by the total number of unforced turnovers conceded by a team presented as a percentage. | ||
U | ||
Umpire Decisions: Each time an umpire makes a decision that impacts on the game and causes it to stop. It does not include advantage calls. | Umpire Whistle at Start of Quarter: The exact time the umpire blows the whistle for the start of each quarter. This statistic starts the master clock and assists in marrying up the statistics captured and the vision for post-match vision editing. | |
Unforced Turnovers: When possession changes because of an offensive player making an error or infringing. It is the sum of ‘Penalty Contact’, ‘Penalty Obstruction’, ‘Bad Pass’, ‘Bad Hands’, ‘Short Pass’, ‘Replay’, ‘Break’, ‘Offside’, ‘Over a Third’, ‘Other Infringement’, ‘Stepped Out of Court’, ‘Touched Out of Court’, ‘Missed Goal Out of Court’. | ||
W | ||
Warning: A player is warned that suspension would follow if the behaviour specified continues. | ||